Tuesday, June 8, 2010


This castle looked more like an English estate than a French chateau. The inside was immaculately decorated, but we only saw part of it because people still live in the other part of the castle. It is open for 365 days a year. How much would that suck to live in a castle where you couldn’t have Christmas because there were tourists touring your house. It would be neat to live there, but they aren’t able to fully enjoy it because there are always tourists. There were pictures of the family that lived there throughout the rooms that were open to the public, so we could actually see the family’s faces. I wondered out loud whether they work or just live on the income of the castle. It has gotta be an interesting life.
The most unique part of this castle was that they have a kennel of hounds. Each hound has a V shaved onto its side to signify the last name of their owners. They were all relaxed when we got there and must be really good friends because they were laying all over each other. Pretty fricken cute though. We stopped at a little wine shop outside the castle and tested a few wines. They had quite the selection and quite the method for letting people taste the different kinds. All you did was put your glass on the little ledge and it poured the perfect amount of wine for you. Neat. We bought a bottle to enjoy with our friends once we arrived in Paris and made our way to our final castle destination: Chambord.

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