Wednesday, December 1, 2010


It snowed here for the first time of the year on Friday night/Saturday morning, so when I woke up there was a light dusting. By 10am it was all gone. Yesterday though, it started snowing around 10:30 in the morning and was on and off all day. The weather forecasters were predicting that we’d get over a foot Tuesday night, but in true meteorological fashion, they excitement, build-up and frenzy was all for naught. While we did get a few inches more, we were nowhere near a foot. Using my best estimation skills, I’d say in total we got 4 inches. The nice thing about this amount of snow is that it makes everything pretty. It isn’t so much that it brings things to a standstill, but it is enough to make it really feel like winter. There are many negatives to snow as well of course, but we’ll not dwell on those right now. What we (yes, you the reader and I) will do, is pose some fascinatingly debatable points on the topic of snow.
1. Boots. Here is my letter to French females mostly between the ages of 13 and 25
Dear French amies-
While I will give you that the name of the apparatus on each of your feet is indeed called a boot, I would like to inform you that while this name suggests to a casual observer that your footwear will be more compatible with the necessities presented by snow, your boots do not, in fact, meet these necessities. Your boots are very chic. You’re in vogue. I applaud your efforts at walking through 4 inches of snow on the balls of your feet because your 2 inch stiletto heel isn’t exactly a sufficient base for treading on ice. Furthermore, your careful selection of brushed suede, camel color leather and ample side buckles does make your boot pretty to look at, and you wear it well. Sadly, the snow and slush do not agree. This precipitation is a mean and ugly menace that strives to make your foot coverings look dirty, wet and atrociously insufficient. The snow is winning. For the love of chestnuts roasting on an open fire can you please find some decent snow apparel?

On the subject of snow apparel: It is negative degrees outside. How do we know this? It is snowing. When it is negative degrees outside your hair looking coiffed and perfect should take a back seat to your ears possibly being missing because you lack the sense to put on a hat. I know I look funny wearing a hat, but I care little. I like my ears. I plan to keep them.

Please consider these thoughts as you continue through this winter.

With sincere hopes that you don’t break an ankle, bite the dust and eat some snow or lose your ears,


2. I will admit that I do not understand in the least why people do not use umbrellas when there is a downpour going on outside. Sure, I’ll grant the possible excuse that the umbrella was forgotten, broken or the person is so happy that playing in the rain just seemed fun, but for the rest of the people walking around without an umbrella, I don’t get it. Here’s the debate though. Do you use an umbrella for snow? I don’t. Do people walk around thinking the same things as above about me when I arrive with snowflakes dusting my eyelashes and a coat depositing clumps of snow on their floor? I’m a staunch non-user of an umbrella for snow. I think it makes people look funny. I mean it is just snow. It isn’t like it is soaking you to the bone or anything. You simply brush off the flakes and move on. Does this make me a hypocrite? Boy, I sure hope not. No one likes a hypocrite.

I am very fond of snow. I like it when I’m sitting in front of a fire in the fireplace drinking hot chocolate. I love it on Christmas morning. I like it when I’m skiing. On snow. Not water. That would be cold. I like it when I’m making a snow man. I love Christmas cards with pictures of snow. I took an amazing picture in the snow when I first arrived in Clermont (I know, modesty is my strong suit). Doing donuts in the snow is fun. Snowball fights can be downright joyous. I’m really looking forward to sitting in the hot tub while snow falls around me and drinking some warm cider.
We all know the havoc snow can cause, and it very well might in my near future, but for now, let’s enjoy it.

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