Thursday, September 9, 2010


About 4 months ago, while walking to school I noticed that right across the street from the school parking lot there were some people clearing land in what looked like an attempt to begin construction. I curiously wondered what they could be putting up. It isn't a busy corner for traffice, but there are certainly a lot of people that walk by there on a daily basis. Shortly after I saw the first signs of movement, I found out that they were building a gym. I cannot tell you how excited I got. You know about the gym that I belonged to earlier in the year. It wasn't exactly meeting my exercise needs. Aside from the fact that it has very strange hours, is 1.5 miles from my place and full of old equipment, I just didn't make it over there as much as I'd have liked. So, when I thought I was leaving Clermont in June, I cancelled my membership. Once I found out I was staying in Clermont, I pondered getting the membership again, but decided I'd wait out the summer in hopes the new gym would be ready. It isn't. I walk by there every day on the way to work and things have come to a screeching halt. All the walls and windows are up, but the oustide is still concrete and the roof is still wooden. This week I saw a few guys walking around there looking like they were doing something, but no signs of progress.
In the meantime, I walked by the old gym this past weekend. The front was missing. They are doing a 1 million euro renovation to the gym, I'm sure in anticipation of compeition from the new one. I can't believe it. The place looks amazing. New equipment, clean rooms, etc... In fact, I think it might actually be done here in the near future, so I may have to look into joining back up for the 2 months I'll still be here when it finally opens. The whole running outside thing just isn't working and once it gets cold there's no chance.
Or, I just chalk everything up to an unhealthy year of eating cheese and bread and drinking wine. I'll keep you posted.

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