Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Long days...

Kansas City, MO: 39 degrees line of latitude.
Clermont-Ferrand, France: 46 degrees line of latitude.
distance between each line of latitude = approx 69 miles
total distance between KC & CF lines of latitude = 483 miles

Why all these statistics? Intersting fact that I never really thought of before living here. France is significantly farther north than Kansas City. Apparently we are on the same line of latitude as Nova Scotia. Why is this relevant? What comes with being farther north is that the days are much longer than I am used to. The sun comes up earlier and it goes down much later. The other night I was walking home from a bar at 9:15pm and it was still light outside with blue skies. The sun doesn't even set until 9:36 tonight and then there is the time it takes until the sky is void of all light. I could literally be out until 10pm and have it be perfectly light. I think it is screwing with my sleeping schedule though.

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