Thursday, April 8, 2010


This post has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that I live in France other than the conversation was started by an Italian that I would never have known if I weren't studying here. We were discussing birthdays and I told him I was a Virgo. He said, yeah obviously, you are the only Virgo I have liked, usually they are too rational. Ha. My roommate agreed that I'm super rational and the epitome of a Virgo. Well I don't pay much attention to all the astrological stuff, but surfing the web today I came across this:

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Virgos are known to be true perfectionists, with rational, active minds that deliver quick reactions and analytical answers. That's why wild salmon is your surefire brain food. Its omega-3 fatty acids pump up brain power, while niacin keeps cognitive thinking nice and steady -- perfect for a perfectionist! Stomach-soothing ginger is also an ideal food for Virgos, as your stomach and digestive system tends to be problematic.

Other than the part about liking salmon, which is actually my least favorite fish, I was pretty amazed by the assessment. Really there isn't much here, but the part that was interesting was the last part...I didn't realize that was a astrological sign commonality.

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