Monday, April 5, 2010

Travel annoyances

Trying to get home from Paris early I recall two things that I hate about travel.
1. I got to the train station 2 hours early because my traveling partners were catching a flight and we didn't have time to eat together. When I got there I saw that there was a train one hour before mine, so I went to the ticket office to see if I could just change trains. It was 28 euro to change my train. The ticket cost 34 euro to start with. Just dumb.
2. Why are people totally oblivious to the world going on around them? While I was sitting waiting for the train platform to post, this family stopped right in the middle of a main walkway that was only wide enough for two people to pass with luggage. You can see that there are people sitting in chairs on the opposite side of them, and I am sitting along a barrier on the other side. Next to the lady on the left is a phone booth. They just planted themselves in the middle to wait for their train announcment. In the meantime, people are trying to get around them the whole time. People with luggage are squishing through and the lady keeps getting annoyed that people are nudging her as their luggage slightly makes it through the opening on either side of her. You'd think at some point it would click and they'd think, "Oh wow, I'm in the middle of everything totally oblivious to the fact that I'm not the center of the universe and this walkway was not created for me to wait in." Nope, stood there getting jostled and dirty looks from the rest of the travelers until their train was posted. I know I shouldn't be annoyed, and maybe they are first time travelers, but I think it is more about consideration for other people. Sheesh.

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