Monday, February 1, 2010

Saved by Skype

Alright people, next time you are at home and watching the Jayhawks, help me out a little bit and get online. I don't care what form of online media you use, either facebook, or skype, or aim, whatever, but please help me. Here's what happened. As we know, the Jayhawks played K-State this past weekend. The game was on at 1 am our time, so we went out to dinner, then to the bar for a bit and then headed over to a friend's house that was letting us come over to use his internet and watch the game. So we sign into get the live stream and have no problems for the first 35 minutes of the game. Then the game got real tight and the international community following the game flooded the interwebs. This caused mass hysteria in the apartment where we were watching because our feed kept disconnecting every 10 seconds. As you should know, the game was touch-and-go for our beloved Jayhawks and we kept having to reconnect which really loses its excitement by the 4th or 5th time. So, I was frantically trying to find people online to update me on the scores more efficiently than was doing. Hmmm...who'd I find? no one! Finally I got ahold of my parents on Skype and had the last few minutes for play by play including yelling and hollering and general relief. So, all I request is , like I said before, for the love of Pete, if you are at home watching the game, please get online in the event I'm having a heart attack at 3 in the morning in a foreign country.

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