Monday, February 22, 2010

Thoughts on Marrakech

- The flight to Marrakech from Madrid was 44 euro. Turns out the exchange rate was in our favor.
- Morocco is known for its orange juice and it was good. We were told not to watch it being made though. Never a good warning, but we drank it anyway.
- I had a monkey plopped on my shoulder. Yup. Here ya go. I had it removed swiftly, didn’t want to pay for the picture.
- Most exciting part of Marrakech. (and I use exciting loosely) the restaurant where we were eating caught on fire. Ok kinda. Really stuff in the restaurant caught on fire. Yup. They had cardboard pizza boxes stacked on top of the ventilation hood of the stove top. Someone added oil to the fryer and 5 minutes later we had pizza boxes on fire in the restaurant. Wish I had pictures to help illustrate the scene. But we scattered pretty quick. More interesting was that our hotel was above the restaurant. Thankfully they put out the fire and there were no issues after that. I slept pretty lightly that night though.
- During my stay in Marrakech I was asked if I was: Spanish, French, German, English, American and Japanese…they figure if they know your language they can speak to you and try to sell you something
- I have never in my life been propositioned to buy more things or eat at more restaurants. I just kept thinking “I wish people would stop trying to sell me things!!”
- I had a fantastically scrumptious ice cream sundae while in Marrakech. I figure the ice cream tastes so good cause in the states all I eat now is the lower sugar/fat stuff, this is the real deal and it was amazing. The whipped cream was even better.
- Sometimes a “shower” might not always be complete. Ask my roommate, she got stuck in the shower, mid-shampoo with no water left. She was using bottled water to rinse out her hair when the water came back on. Ah third-world countries.

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