Friday, February 26, 2010


The other night, we decided to go see a movie we had been wanting to see since it came out. We looked it up on the internet and found the place where it was showing. then we had to check and see if it was dubbed, or had subtitles or what. So we looked for VO next to the title, which we thought meant "version originale", so just in English like normal.
We get to the theater and pay for our tickets and sit down. The lights go down and J.Lo appears on the screen for a preview, and she is dubbed over. What the? So, one of our mates went to see if we could get our money back.
Let me explain, it isn't that we can't watch a movie in French. I mean sure we would know what is going on, and can probably follow enough for it to make sense, but we were seeing the movie "Valentine's Day". The whole purpose of seeing the movie is to see all the American actors. Having them dubbed over is just annoying because it isn't their voices, and their mouths move at different times than the words.
Getting our money back wasn't a big deal, but the lady at the theater wasn't happy with us. She kept telling us to "fait attention!" Pay attention, before we bought the tickets. By now you could have figured out that VO, means "voice over" also. How you are supposed to know the difference I have yet to determine, but we're working on it.

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