Sunday, March 28, 2010

blue skies

I have the say the weather here is pretty odd. Being from the middle of the States, we have some pretty odd weather as well, but I have never lived anywhere where it rains more often while there are completely clear blue skies. The phenomenon is flabbergasting to me. Yesterday was a classic example. I woke up and looked outside and the ground was all wet but the sun was shining. I took the trash out and it was raining. I looked straight up, blue skies. I couldn't even find the rain cloud. When we went out later in the day, the same thing. Rain, no clouds directly above. At least when we were walking this time I could see the rain clouds in the distance, but literally it was completely blue skies overhead. Random. I guess it has something to do with how windy it was yesterday too. I guess this part of France is known for having really strong winds and yesterday was no exception. It is one of those days that makes me wonder why I even bothered 1. showering and 2. drying my hair. Oh well. Mother Nature is slightly confused as well as it was 75 here a few days ago and now it is back to 50s or so. That's ok I suppose. At least it isn't cold. Although our heat in our apartment doesn't work and it isn't warm. Good thing I have flannel pj pants, a hoodie and lots of blankets.

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