Monday, March 29, 2010


For those of you that didn't know, for the past two weeks (since the states had daylight savings time), we have been an hour less behind than we were before. That is, until Sunday. France finally had daylight savings time, so we are now back to the seven hours behind the central time zone that we were for most of the year. Kind of interesting that they 1. do daylight savings time and 2. that it is at a different time. I would have thought someone would have coordinated the whole thing a while ago. Then again...what was I thinking.
Somehow I found myself out Saturday night and when you completely lose an hour it isn't fun. All of a sudden you are out WAY later than you thought you were and end up sleeping until 12:30pm on Sunday. Oops. Literally slept half the day. This morning wasn't much better because it took me forever to fall asleep last night. Sheesh.

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