Sunday, March 7, 2010

Library Anyone?

I only brought 3 books with me to France, and I am finished with 2 of them and pretty far into the 3rd. I have one more book my roommate brought to read and then I won't have anything else to read in English, or French for that matter. I also did not bring a French textbook with me, which would have been a good idea so I can look things up. So I decided to try and find the library. At school they have a library but it is more of a reference library, with scholarly stuff, but nothing as far as just novels and such. I searched online and found the closest library to our house, so yesterday I went there to see what it was like. I walk up four flights of stairs and into a room with probably 250 chairs at tables, and I bet 200 of the chairs were full. Lining the outside of the room were shelves with books, but once again, more like reference books than entertaining pieces of literature and such. It looked more like a normal library, but there were so many people there that I didn't want to just wander around and see what was going on, so I'm going to have to go back on a different day and see what the deal is. Doesn't exactly seem like the library idea is the same over here.

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