Monday, March 15, 2010

Travel Issues

This past weekend a group of students from KU arrived in Clermont for a week-long study trip. There were 22 students coming, so of course travel issues were inevitable. We went to meet the first 3 people arriving and only found two of them in the train station. One of the guys was missing. We determined he must have gotten off the train early. One of the other guys didn’t have any luggage. Amusingly enough, it was the guy I had asked to bring some stuff over to me. So while it is horrible that he has no clothes for four days while he is here, the stuff I had sent from home is also not here yet. Obviously it isn’t a problem for me because I have lived for 3 months without this stuff, but just funny. So then the next train arrived with the majority of the students. We saw them get off the train, but they never entered the train station. We went on a search for them and found them in the parking lot. They had followed the Exit signs, just to the wrong exit. We also found the guy that got off the train early. He had passed out and woke up with a start when he realized everyone was getting off the train (ended up just his entire car was getting off at that stop.) He asked someone, but in true French fashion the guy just nodded his head and said yes, it was the correct stop. We were missing two other guys because their plane had taken off from Chicago, then a computer failed so they had to go back. They arrived early the next morning. One student got delayed getting to Newark and missed his connection, and then two other students are still not here and we aren’t sure what happened to them because they won’t be here til Wednesday. That is a 5 DAY delay. I have no idea how that is possible, unless they decided to fly somewhere else first or something. Sucks to be them. Another student (who is about 7’3’’) had his luggage lost as well and I’m concerned for him because they don’t make clothes that big here. The other student that had lost luggage got his a few hours after arriving, so he is good to go. Quite the adventures in traveling for friends from home.

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