Monday, March 15, 2010


We don’t exactly have the sharpest knives in the drawer (literally, that is no comment on peoples’ intelligence). Since we arrived we have been muddling through without any finger cuts or anything drastic, we just use a lot more sawing action to get the job done. Then I was on the internet one day and saw a way to sharpen knives in a pinch (you know, when you don’t have one of those stones that cost 5 euro that I’ll use once). This article said to take an unpainted ceramic mug and turn it over and use the bottom as the sharpening stone. Last night I was making homemade meatballs & spaghetti and the knife was just not cutting it (ha ha ha). After I was finished with everything I decided to try this sharpening tactic. I haven’t used the knives more than once since, and the first cut seemed to go through the onion more smoothly, but that maybe just my mind wanting the knife to be sharper. I’m not for certain if it worked, but it was worth a try.

1 comment:

  1. This absolutely works!

    According to this dude you can even sharpen a knife with a piece of cardboard:

